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The Tailors Dummy Is Back

England – 20/11/2011The Traditional Tailors Dummy Had All But Disappeared Now Demand For Them Is Growing Again

Everyone is used to the fact that fashion is a fast moving industry and what is in today is out tomorrow, but no one realised that the tailors dummy was also subject to this kind of whim.

Once people stopped making and adjusting their own clothes in the 1950s and 60s it was no longer common to see a tailors dummy or a sewing machine in a private home. However, professional dressmakers and tailors still used them, so there was still demand for them, all be it a bit more limited. Slowly even professionals needed them less and less and they began to become a thing of the past. Recently this trend has reversed and, for a number of reasons, demand for them has begun to rise.

Why Demand For The Tailors Dummy Is On The Rise

A surprising number of people are turning back to sewing at home. People are resurrecting old skills in an attempt to earn a little money and consumers are also seeing the value of having their clothes altered rather than throwing or giving them away. This means that there is a new, but limited demand for the tailors dummy coming from private individuals.

Shops are turning away from using display busts and back to the tailors dummy. They are far more flexible than display busts and are better made, so last longer. Consumers like to see clothes that fit properly and a tailors dummy gives clothes shops the ability to adjust the dummy, so that the clothes look fitted. It also allows them to display different sizes of clothes. A display bust can only display items in a single size meaning that if you have a line you want to promote to plus size customers you have to buy a new large size display bust.

The Shopfitting Shop has noticed that many of its clients are once again ordering at least one tailors dummy for use in their store. This has lead them to extend the range of dummies they stock and to offer ones that can be adjusted at the waist, neck, bust and hips.


The Shopfitting Shop Limited

Units 4a & 4b

Holmes Chapel Business Park

Manor Lane, Holmes Chapel


Zip: CW4 8AF

Tel: 01477 534 273

The Shop Fitting Shop

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