First Silk Road Int’l Cultural Expo Concludes With Dunhuang Declaration

Delegates from Belt and Road countries signed a declaration in northwest China’s Dunhuang City to further cultural exchange as the Silk Road International Cultural Expo concluded on Wednesday.
In the Dunhuang Declaration, cultural diversity, equality and inclusiveness are stressed. The signatories agreed to protect historical and cultural heritage, strengthen cultural dialogue at all levels, and promote cultural trade and industry cooperation.

According to the organizing committee, 89 agreements relating to cultural industries with a total value of 108 billion yuan (16 billion U.S. dollars) were signed during the two-day expo.

Chinese Culture Minister Luo Shugang said the Dunhuang Declaration marked the establishment of a new cultural exchange mechanism within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative.

In addition, Gansu Province, which administers Dunhuang, signed cooperation agreements with a European Parliament cultural commission on the Belt and Road, and the government of Tajikistan.

Rebecca Wheeler

Rebecca Wheeler

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