Overthrow Digital Win the Arts and Business Digital Partnership Award

Digital Partnership

15th May 2013 – Overthrow Digital triumphed at the Arts and Business Awards last night at the London Symphony Orchestra’s St Luke’s Centre. The awards honor the most successful partnerships from around the UK by profiling best practices, innovation, thought leadership, and ground-breaking brand enhancement.

Overthrow Digital’s collaboration with Photobox and The Princes Foundation for Children and the Arts for the Face Britain website was honored when they won the Arts and Business Digital Partnership Award. Face Britain is an imaginative and inspiring mass collaborative art initiative, which engaged over 200,000 children with the arts nationwide. The record-breaking project culminated in a unique portrait projection of HM The Queen onto Buckingham Palace formed out of all the participants’ portraits.

Overthrow Digital

Through partnering with The Prince’s Foundation for Children & the Arts and Photobox to deliver Face Britain, Overthrow Digital positioned itself at the cutting edge of creativity. Their work vastly extended the reach of the project across multiple platforms and brought Face Britain to live. The project even broke a Guinness World Record for ‘Most Artists working on the same art installation.

Overthrow Digital also produced the animated videos used on the site, the eBay auction shop, newsletter design, various digital promotional items, and the artwork and technology for the JC Decaux digital billboards and BBC big screen.

The scale and innovative approach to Face Britain was recognized through significant national media coverage, increasing the visibility of the charity and all partners to new audiences. Detailed project information can be found on the www.overthrowdigital.com

Arts & Business director Philip Spedding said: “In the search for the winners of this year’s Arts & Business Awards we have come across some tremendous partnerships from across the country. In these difficult economic times, this year’s winners offer a blueprint of how arts, businesses, and communities can work together to thrive. Our independent panel of judges was incredibly impressed by the quality and breadth of all of the entries and it is heartening to see the commercial sector continue to support the cultural sector in such well-executed and creative ways.”

Jim Downing, Creative Director at Overthrow Digital said of the award: “Overthrow Digital is delighted and honored to have been awarded the first-ever Digital Partnership Award alongside Photobox and The Princes Trust. We were absolutely delighted to see the campaign exceed all our expectations, and was a great opportunity for us to demonstrate our digital expertise by working on a fully integrated campaign that achieved unprecedented national coverage.”

Overthrow Digital’s Award-winning work can be seen on the Face Britain website – www.FaceBritain.org

About Overthrow Digital:

Overthrow Digital design and build creative websites for a range of organizations. The websites they develop are supported by targeted online marketing strategies including search engine optimization, social media, email marketing, and online advertising.

To see more of their portfolio that demonstrates the wide range of web design and digital projects visit www.overthrowdigital.com.

For further information, please contact:

James Towning

7 Albert Mews, Albert Road

London, UK

Zip: N4 3RD

Phone: +44 (0)207 272 9729


Twitter: https://twitter.com/otdigi

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Overthrow-Digital/203245619703128

John Watson

John Watson

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