Brand Evolution is Vital for Success

Brand Evolution

England 04/3/2013 – In today’s crowded marketplace branding remains important, but that is only half the story

In an increasingly competitive marketplace, getting noticed and standing out from your competitors selling the same products and services requires your business to have an effective brand message. This is especially important in large cities, where many businesses offer the same products and services to the same potential customers.

The business that effectively stands out from the crowd and leaves a memorable impression on its customers stands the best chance of successfully attracting new business. However, it is essential the branding is effective and reflects the business’s core messages. This can be developed with the help of a good design agency – Manchester and London are particularly strong for a hub of established agencies.

With a consistent and professionally designed brand, the chances of success are far higher than a competitor with poor branding. The same is true of any business in any city or large town, consumers will respond positively to professional, well-presented brands, but equally, they will respond negatively to poorly presented brands. However, that is only half the story. Effective branding requires an ongoing commitment to developing the brand’s reputation.

Brands have to evolve to remain relevant

Global companies like Coca-Cola and Mcdonald’s are constantly tweaking and developing their brands. However, the core principles of the brands always remain consistent, in particular the colors and key logos. These elements have remained largely unchanged over the years with only minor tweaks to the font, layout, and size to appeal to new generations. Strap lines, promotional characters, marketing techniques, advertising, and packaging have all changed to keep pace with modern consumers changing tastes.

A brand that remains static will eventually end up looking dated and out of touch with modern consumers, so brands have to evolve.

For a business with an existing brand, the ongoing development of its brands has to be done carefully. Building a brand can take decades. A company whose branding is instantly recognizable cannot afford to change its branding to the point where consumers no longer automatically associate a logo or strapline with their business. Change inevitably has to happen if a company wants to stay relevant, but starting from scratch can take the brand backward and mean years of work to re-establish the brand.

Getting the balance right when it comes to brand evolution takes a strong skill set and lots of experience. A marketing and design agency like Monitor has decades of experience.

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John Watson

John Watson

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